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spaces for
2 year olds
call 01903 236643
for more details

what our parents
say about us...
"There is a very relaxed, homely and welcoming environment throughout the nursery. Children form very close relationships with the staff who look after them, therefore they feel safe and emotionally secure"
(Ofsted 2015)
"You have all played a huge part in my life and made me into the happy,
cheeky, confident boy I am."
- Ethan and his Mummy
“We certainly chose the most perfect nursery,
you have provided the most caring and happy environment”
“Thanksfor giving our children a great start to their lives, you guys are truly the best”
“The staff are amazing just like a second family, the nursery is a credit to you
"I know my mummy and daddy wouldn't leave me with just anybody - I'm too special to them, but I don't think she ever realised how much I would love you all and how much love I would get back"