Pumpkin Patch Nurseries





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working together with Erasmus

& Forest School

Forest School at Pumpkin Patch


‘It’s an excellent experience at a young age, Aashil has learnt so much about wild life which I don't think

he can learn



parents say

At Pumpkin Patch we have always valued the importance of children exploring the outdoors and so introducing Forest School was a logical next step. We trialled a 10 week programme with Circle of Life Rediscovery at their beautiful woodland site in the heart of Sussex and the outcome more than exceeded our expectations.

The children were so excited to go back to the forest every week, running down the path  

it's forest day, wonder what we will do today?

Do you think the animals would have taken our letters?'

Noah age 4. 

New skills learned, friendships formed and self esteem soared!!  

'Look, look, look I can climb this tree because I can,' Erin age 4.

Our forest programme enables children to explore and respect nature, take risks and succeed. One moment I observed while out in the forest sums up the benefits of the forest to me; the children were collecting firewood for the fire, where we were going to make pancakes, yummy! When one child picked up the end of a large log and quietly tried to drag it along the forest floor. A friend saw him struggling and raced over to help him, then another and another.

The four children quietly discussed how to navigate around trees, over logs and arrived at the fire circle. One of the children said 'Freddy got a big log.' Freddy replied with a big smile 'we did it together'.


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  Inspired by the

        Reggio Emilia Approach
