Pumpkin Patch Nurseries




& Forest School

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working together with Erasmus

what our parents

                    say about us...

‘...he is in such safe and

happy hands.’ 

Our son was not settling at his child minder. He did not sleep and was generally unhappy there. Having decided he might be better suited elsewhere, we started the search and were really impressed by the friendly environment of Pumpkin Patch Nursery Hove. 

The settling in sessions immediately reassured us, as Robert clearly responded to the caring staff. 

Each child is treated as an individual and their growing personalities nurtured. 

It is such a weight off our minds to know that he is in such safe and happy hands. 

‘He loves the nursery and they

do some wonderful things with

the children.’

We moved to Brighton last November from North London and Pumpkin Patch was recommended to us by 2 Brighton friends. 

We visited 4 nurseries in the area all in the same day(!) of which Pumpkin Patch was the last. As Toby would only be at nursery a year ( he was almost 4 when we moved) and he was a bit reluctant about the move I decided to let him choose which nursery he liked the most. 

After a long hot and tiring day we finally arrived at Pumpkin Patch and Toby loved it straight away, he was so happy playing that I was able to go and talk in the office while he played next door! 

Luckily Toby and I both agreed it was our favourite place, he instantly liked it and I felt really happy with the amount of space, the kind and caring manner of the carers and particularly that they offered a kindergarten class for children going to school in the next year.

Toby was really ready for more of a challenge and has loved the kindergarten sessions and learnt so much that I feel he is in a really good place to start school in September. 

I'm really happy to say that all my expectations have been met and exceeded, everyone spent a lot of time to make sure Toby settled in well and within a short time of starting he was really settled and enjoying it. He loves the nursery and they do some wonderful things with the children from school nativity play to arts and craft projects there is always something new happening that he is talking about. We have also met some lovely parents through play dates and it has really helped us all settle into our new home.

Thank you for taking such great care of Max over the last (nearly) 4 year.

You run a fantastic nursery.

I have always felt happy leaving Max in your care, knowing he will get

the support and nurture

he needed.

Thanks so much.

‘...its almost like home-from-home!’

Since my little boy started at Pumpkin Patch, he has come on leaps and bounds within the Hove nursery. The support and encouragement he receives from all the staff there is great. He has found a group of friends which he non-stop talks about at home and is very excited to see every morning. From changing my little boy from one nursery to Pumpkin Patch was quite stressful and I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing, I was given peace of mind, support and a lot of reassurance when changing over and have received the same treatment ever since. I am so happy with my little one attending Pumpkin Patch and would never look back. The whole team are so friendly, for my little boy its almost like home-from-home!

‘...best decision I made!’

I have my 2 year old daughter in Pumpkin Patch Nursery and I would like to say that it has been the best decision I made.

All the people in the nursery are very accommodating and are extremely professional. All The staff members are kind, friendly and always there to listen and take our needs and our daughter's needs on board. I feel a great deal of bond with the staff and I am very impressed with their full efforts to keep good communication at all times.

I would like to take the pleasure of recommending the nursery to you. My daughter has settled very well and is showing signs to positive growth in her.

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  Inspired by the

        Reggio Emilia Approach
